فارسی عربي

Cinéma Vérité announces Mirror of a Festival lineup

The 13th Cinéma Vérité announces Mirror of a Festival lineup.

The 13th edition of the Cinéma Vérité, Iran’s major international documentary film festival, has announced the lineup at its Mirror of a Festival: Millenium International Documentary Film Festival.

The section will screen ‘A Woman Captured’ by Bernadett Tuza-Ritter from Hungary and Germany, ‘Arreo’ by Tato Moreno from Argentina, as well as ‘Heart of Stone’ by Claire Billet and Olivier Jobard from France.

The lineup goes on with ‘It’s Not Yet Dark’ by Frankie Fenton from Ireland, ‘The Color of the Chameleon’ by Andrés Lübbert from Germany, ‘The Other Side of Everything’ by Mila Turajlic from Serbia, France and Qatar, as well as ‘Welcome to Sodom’ by Christian Krönes and Florian Weigensamer from Austria and Ghana.

Organized by the Documentary and Experimental Film Center, the first edition of the Cinéma Vérité was held in 2007.

Over the past decade it has emerged as one of the important events on Iran's documentary film calendar.

The 13th edition of the Cinéma Vérité will be held on December 9-16, 2019.

